How can MPA design account for climate change?

MPAs typically seek to protect the ocean from various extractive activities, such as fishing and mining, and have shown to provide conservation benefits, particularly when effectively managed.
Key takeaways
  • Key takeaways
    The complexity and uncertainty of climate change are overwhelming, and it is often hard to know where to begin when incorporating climate change into MPA design.
  • Key takeaways
    Some approaches are more technical and data intensive, while others are based on simple design principles.
  • Key takeaways
    Key climate-smart approaches include protecting future habitat, protecting places predicted to experience relatively low climate impacts (refugia) and employing best-practice design principles.
  • Key takeaways
    Transparently employing best-practice MPA design principles (e.g., representation, connectivity) and ensuring climate adaptation objectives are explicitly included in MPA management plans represent “no-regret” options for incorporating climate change into MPA design.
  • Key takeaways
    The increasing momentum for both climate action and marine conservation globally are encouraging. The guidelines provided here can help you understand the various options (theoretical and practical) for incorporating climate change into existing and planned MPAs.
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