What is the cost of climate change in MPAs? 

The Earth’s climate is changing at an increasingly rapid rate, and ominously, most predictions suggest that worse is to come. As the world’s oceans are increasingly impacted by climate change, marine protected areas (MPAs), as well as the habitats and species they protect, are also becoming more vulnerable.
Key takeaways
  • Key takeaways
    Even if all human GHG emissions were to stop today, the Earth’s temperature would continue to rise for decades due to the existing levels in the atmosphere.
  • Key takeaways
    The world’s oceans hold about 50 times more carbon than the atmosphere, and ocean currents continue to bring excess heat stored in the deep ocean back to the surface. So while climate change is impacting the ocean, the ocean also impacts climate change.
  • Key takeaways
    Assuming there were no further human emissions, natural processes would slowly begin to remove the excess GHGs from the atmosphere, and global temperatures would gradually begin to decline.  
Where in the MPA lifecycle?
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