Monitoring for Management Effectiveness

Part of implementation of an MPA includes ongoing monitoring or tracking of the indicators that help you understand if you’re achieving the objectives of the MPA and why or why not. Monitoring can provide information to detect changes in social or ecological conditions that could trigger a management response, determine the cause of change, and evaluate the effectiveness of management actions. Monitoring plans are usually developed during the planning process and identify which indicators will be tracked, when, and how. Monitoring methods can take many forms depending on capacity and resources available. The most important thing is to collect information that helps an understanding of progress and informs decision making about necessary changes.
Key takeaways
  • Key takeaways
    MPA planning or updating your plan provides an opportunity to identify (or review) indicators that will be monitored over time to measure your progress and success.
  • Key takeaways
    A combination of short and mid-term progress indicators and long-term outcome indicators can be useful during adaptive management and improve considerations of management effectiveness in day-to-day activities.  
  • Key takeaways
    More data is not always better. All data collected should ultimately be useful for decision-making or for demonstrating progress toward site objectives. 
  • Key takeaways
    Monitoring methods can take many forms depending on capacity and resources available.